Chair's Report 2020

In 2019 we celebrated OUSGG’s centenary, and becoming Chair of the group in its 100th year was both an honour and a bit daunting! This year has certainly been an eventful one, yet OUSGG has risen to the challenge and I have really enjoyed being Chair.
We started the year with a very successful Freshers’ Fair which helped us to significantly increase our membership. Our weekly activities ranged from pub quizzes and climbing to pancakes and ice skating, while we also went on a day hike to Blenheim Palace and sent several members to national SSAGO rallies! The COVID-19 pandemic meant that face-to-face activities were suspended in Trinity Term so we started meeting online via Zoom, which was a really nice way to catch up with how everyone was doing in lockdown. We also elected the 2020-21 Committee over Zoom, and I am sure they will do an excellent job over the year ahead!
Carina Williams
Chair 2019-20