Chair's Report 2016
It's been a very busy year for OUSGG and, once again, we were determined to not let our small membership hold us back!
The highlight was definitely our Halloween camp in Michaelmas, which included some blind-folded crate-stacking, archery (thankfully not blind-folded), pumpkin carving and a fab campfire. We also had an ongoing game of assassins, of which Matthew was the winner as no one succeeded in murdering him in the chapel with a lantern.
Other activities this year included a cocktail making evening, bell-ringing, a Diwali night and several walks to The Perch in Port Meadow. We have also had film nights, craft nights (involving making marble runs, Greek letters out of string and hexaflexagons) and the return of the OUSGG Bake Off. We also had our 97th Annual Dinner before ending the year with our AGM and BBQ, once again at Liddell.
Thank you to everyone for your help with organising weekly activities this year, particularly when I had finals last term. I'd especially like to thank Matthew who organised the Halloween camp, Lizzie who organised Annual Dinner, and Kat who has been organising N 'n' N. All three are leaving Oxford and OUSGG and therefore I would like to wish them all the best with whatever they end up doing.
I will be moving up the hill next year and therefore will leave OUSGG in the capable hands of Hannah (probably) as well as our new recruits Darcy, Tim and Mayur who will be joining the committee. I'm sure they will do a wonderful job!
Chair, 2015/16